Be free, be yourself!

Fine fabric, rich colors and patterns,

unveil your inner radiance through fashion!

Rui Couture - Be free, Be yourself!

Fine fabric, rich colors and patterns

For those who think clothing are getting similar everywhere and can not find anything you like, please find the clothes that suit you at Rui Couture.

I want to color the lives of women who live freely and with a grace.

Our greatest joy is to have our products cherished and worn for a long time.

Rui Couture philosophy

Rui Couture is the clothing department of The Earth and Humanity, and is based on the philosophy of creating a society where humans can live freely and as humans with a grace through fashion, and leaving a living environment of an earth blessed with abundant nature to the next generation.

With the advent of AI and environmental pollution, we are currently living in an era where the very survival of the earth and humanity is becoming a real issue. VR and Mars migration are no longer just dreams.

While there are various options, we want to leave behind a society where humans can continue to live fulfilling lives as humans on this earth. The joy of making things, the joy of touching beautiful fabrics, and the joy of dressing in your own way. I believe that such joy is part of the richness of human life.

Rui Couture's social contribution

Nowadays, most clothes are mass-produced using cheap raw materials and cheap labor. Getting better clothes at lower prices is a good thing, but it also comes with mass waste and exploitation of labor.

Rui Couture creates clothes with quality fabrics, careful stitching, and timeless styles so that you can wear the same clothes for a longer period of time. I believe that by allowing customers to buy only what they really like and wear it for a long time, we can reduce the burden on the environment.

Rui Couture also avoids mass production in factories and our clothes are sewn by one person or in a small-scale factory. In order to create clothes with a sense of unity that cannot be achieved by assembly work, in which different parts are sewn by different people, the seamstresses need advanced skills and knowledge of the whole process of cloth making. Rui Couture believes that now is the time for fair compensation to be paid so that the number of such seamstresses does not decrease.

Rui Couture

CEO and designer

Makiko Ruike

Greetings from the CEO
  • Introducing the seamstress

    Since becoming independent at an early age, she has been busy producing everything from samples to custom clothing in her own atelier.

    She recently launched her own brand, Nui. Rui Couture will also be holding a pop-up jointly with Nui!

    What we have in common is a passion for fabrics and exquisite craftsmanship. I hope that there will be more independent seamstresses like her in the next generation.

  • Fabric coming soon!

    We are currently planning to purchase our next fabrics in the Nishijin area and Vienna. This familiar shop in Vienna, where the designer lived for 10 years, always has so many wonderful fabrics that it's hard to choose. The photo is a little far from the store, but it is a very beautiful park near the Burgtheater.